Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Security vs Access- Inappropriate Content

Chapter two of Security vs access explains how inappropriate content on the Internet, and the access to that content is a threat to not only student's viewing safety, but to teachers, schools and administrations as well. This is because teachers a fearful of using the Internet, even-though it provides the students will a vast range of exciting information, due to exposure of inappropriate material under the teacher's supervision either accidently or intentional. Teachers and schools feel that it is easier to eliminate Internet access to students at school because of inappropriate content. Schools are afraid of loosing government funding if students access content that is not suitable for his or her viewing.

There are a few options that schools have in order to reduce the students ability to view inappropriate content. Blocking is where the schools block key inappropriate sites from students. This approach can be extremely time consuming seeing that new sites are being introduced to the Internet everyday. Filtering takes key words are blocks the sites that have those words within them. However, this approach often times blocks sites that are educational and beneficial for the student. Acceptable use policies is an approach where students essentially become educated on the do's and dont's of the Internet. Students are responsible for their own Internet viewing and are well aware of the consequences for breaking the AUP. Finally direct supervision is where the teacher is monitoring at all times the students and his or her use of the Internet. Again, this can be somewhat difficult with a class for 30 or more.

Overall, it is a shame that teachers and schools alike are afraid to use the Internet, when the Internet really helps to broaden the students information base. I believe AUP's and some form of direct supervision will be the best approach to reduce viewing of inappropriate content. Acceptable use policies teaches the students the dangers of the world wide web which will in turn create more responsible Internet users in the future. Thus, will hopefully reduce the viewing of inappropriate content at school and at home.

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